Sunday, October 12, 2008

How Do You "Stick To It" When the Going Get Tough When Quitting Smoking?

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things that many individuals will do in their lifetime. Why do some people seem to have what it takes to stop smoking and not relapse? Or the opposite side of the same coin, why do some smokers relapse? What is it the makes one quitter successful and the other slip comfortably back to smoking?
When your reason(s) for wanting to be a non-smoker are more important to you than your reasons why you enjoy smoking, and you are be able to say, "I'll willing to do whatever it takes to quit." At that moment, your bond to nicotine is broken, then it's just figuring out what it takes to modify some behaviors and learning new coping strategies. It's the change in attitude from, "I don't want to quit." to "I'd like to quit but...." to finally, "I want (fill in the blank.....) and to me, that is more important than a cigarette, so I will do what eve it takes to figure out how to avoid, not all cigarettes but that first one that will lead to all the rest. How do you stop from having a cigarette in each moment, not forever but each moment. When the thought of smoking occurs, do you romance it and continue the fantasy that you can smoke without consequences? Or do you change the way you think about smoking and make the decision to change your behavior, that you don't have to automatically give in to a craving or a wanting for a cigarette but you can choose to do something else becuase whatever it is that you really want (ie.. good health, more money, better role model for children...) is important enough to figure out a way to avoid that first cigarette. Rmember you're a puff away from a pack a day.

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