Monday, August 31, 2015

Inventory Price Reduction of "How to Win at Quitting Smoking", only $9.99

I didn't realize when I sent my inventory of books to Amazon that I would be competing directly against them as a book seller. I get paid no matter which way anyone buys my book but Amazon charges me a stocking fee for my books that sit in their warehouse, so I am reducing the price to $9.99 to reduce that inventory--to get this price you must buy from the book seller (me)--Stop Smoking, Stay Quit--which is listed under: 6 New from $9.99. The shipping is direct from Amazon and has the exact same shipping rates and policies as Amazon, the only difference is that you are reducing my inventory instead of Amazon's. Once my inventory is gone, the price goes back to $14.95. 

Click here.  to go to Amazon. 

Here is the Table of Contents:
Congratulations Letter from Author .............................  1
How to Use This Book .....................................................  3
Step One: Build Motivation ............................................  7
Have Good Reasons to “Become Smoke-Free”...... 7
Make two lists, Benefits of “Becoming Smoke-Free”, Figure out
how much money you will save, Consequences of “Continuing
to Smoke”, Carrots or sticks, “Reasons to Quit” card
Learn Why You Smoke ............................................  17
Reasons for Smoking: Stimulation, Boredom, Something to do
with your hands and sensory pleasure, For the enhancement
of pleasurable feelings and to relax, Reward, Social situations,
Reduce stress and negative emotions, Relieve pain, Nicotine 
dependency/physical craving, Habit, Figure out your number
 of lifetime puffs, Tobacco use record
Discover Your Obstacles to Success ......................  33
Nicotine dependence, Nicotine blood levels, Take the nicotine 
dependency test, Reasons why cessation medications don’t work,
 Decide how to handle nicotine withdrawals, Beliefs, Answer the 
following: I smoke because of positive reinforcement, or to avoid
 negative consequences, Fear, Loss of approval, Loss of control,
Loss of enjoyment, Uncover your underlying fears, Releasing
fear meditation
Reframe Your Obstacles to Success .......................  49
Make two lists, “Benefits of Smoking”, “Consequences of
Quitting”, Reframe beliefs and fears, Commitment, Compare
and contrast lists
Challenge for Step One............................................. 58
Step Two: Create Your Action Plan .............................  59
Set a Quit Date ..........................................................  60
Set a Quit Date, Spontaneous quit, Figure time spent smoking
Make a Personalized Action Plan ..........................  63
Make a smoking corner, Smoke by the clock, Track your common
 triggers, Action Plan, Toolbox approach
Countdown to Quit Day ..........................................  69
Decide on preparation strategies: Get ready physically, Mentally, 
Change behaviors and manage your environment, Find support,
Social support, Professional support, Closet smokers, Saboteurs,
Make a list of support people
Challenge for Step Two ............................................ 83
Step Three: Your First Smoke-Free Week ..................  85
What to Expect ..........................................................  85
Physical withdrawal, Develop strategies for coping, Recovery
 symptoms, Nicotine withdrawal and coping strategies card
How Fast Your Body Heals ....................................  92
After 20 minutes, 8 hours, 24 to 72 hours, 1 to 2 weeks, 1 month
to 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years
Reminders for Your First Week .............................  94
You always have a choice, Five steps to train your brain
Challenge for Step Three .........................................  97
Step Four: Prevent Relapse ...........................................  99
Understand Relapse ...............................................  100
Difference between a slip and a relapse, Short-term relapse,
Long-term relapse, Your reason for a previous relapse
Long-Term Maintenance .......................................  105
Emotional triggers, Handle stress without smoking, How stress
affects your body, mind, emotions and behavior, How to relieve
stress, Become stress-hardy, Reframing your attitude, Develop
tools to change your attitude, ABCD method to reframe your
thoughts, Avoid weight gain

Develop an ICE Plan ..............................................  123
Identify early warning signs, Identify high risk situations,
Create your ICE Plan, If you are smoke-free, If you have
relapsed, What does not work, If you haven’t quit
Challenge for Step Four .......................................... 130
A: Assess Your Nicotine Dependence .......................  133
B: List of Resources .......................................................  135
Free Services, Advocacy
C: Various Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke ................  137
D: Summary of Cessation Medications ....................  141
Nicotine Replacement Therapy, The Patch, Gum, Lozenge,
Nasal Spray, Inhaler, Combination Therapy, Bupropion,
Chantix, Second Line Medications: Nortriptyline, Clonidine, 
Mecamylamine, Websites for cessation medications
E: Unproven and/or Ineffective Products/Services.. 152
Acupuncture, E-cigarettes, Hypnosis, Lobedia, NicBloc, Silver
Acetate, Silver Nitrate, Smokeless Tobacco or Snus, Welplex
F: Partial List of Interactions between
    Medications and Smoking ......................................  155
G: The Seven “D’s” ......................................................  158
Drink Water, Deep Breathing, Do Something Else, Delay,
Discuss with a Friend, Distract your Thoughts, Don’t Smoke
H: List of Activities and Visual Aids.......................... 162
About the Author ..........................................................  165

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